In nineteenth century London, Agnes Wilkins, a seventeen-year-old debutante, is invited to the first social event of the season at wealthy Lord Showalter's estate. However, the night's festivities include the unwrapping of an Egyptian mummy where artifacts that are found lead to break-ins within the community and suspicions of a mummy's curse. Agnes sneaks around with a handsome, but aloof, museum assistant to discover the mystery behind the artifact she unwraps. Is there really a supernatural phenomenon at work? Or merely a human being who will stop at nothing to recapture the relic with a secret message inside? This book includes romance, espionage, and a hint of Egyptian mythology that will appeal to fans of Jane Austen as well as those who enjoy historical fiction and mysteries.
Recommended Grade Level: 6-12
Genre: Historical Mystery
Pages: 320
This book review was written by Adult Services Librarian, Chryssi Gumina.
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